
小朋友!讀冊啦! Reading volunteer , Whethersfield ,CT

2012 不只是充斥神秘傳說的一年,同時也是Conning的百年紀念!能存續百年,確是了不起的成就!配合百年活動,有許多造福鄉里的志工活動! 陪小朋友念書,即是其一!


只教念書是不夠的!我很盡責地照顧到生活及感情世界!Joss(化名)一個喜歡長髮美女的多情種子,同時愛上了班上的Vanes 和Veronica , 其實還有Jennifer ,但她離開這所學校了! 多虧了號稱浪漫教科書的我,教他如何在送巧克力時,把握機會牽女生手 ! Donald (化名),憨厚的小孩,無意中也提到他第一個爸爸會摔門,現在在牢裡,第二個爸對他們很好!我就說那你要當個有責任感的好男人⋯

在最後一堂課,我買了巧克力送全班吃,老師居然叫大家感謝我這個天使,我趕忙說,我不是天使,而是惡魔! 此時Donald突然說謝謝你教我的語言(把我偷教的台語洩露出來⋯),老師問說我教了什麼?我只好不答趕緊離開⋯

2012 , is not only a year filled with those mysterious prophercy ,but also the centennial of Conning . The centennial is celebrated with lots of event helping Hartford community . Reading volunteer is one of them .

Choosing reading volunteer is not only to mingle with kids , but also practice my English ( don't you come to teach kids English....why you need practice.....) what I need to do is to attend every Friday and read a easy book for my two assigned kids respectively .

Just reading is not enough . The kids won't definitely stay still and listen to you . As a result , I even take care about their life and love relationship. Joss ( assumed name ) , a romantic kid who like long-hair girls , love Vanes and Veronica at the same time , even Jennifer , but she has left the school . Thanks to me , the so-called romantic textbook , I taught him how to take the chance of holding girls' hand when prsenting choloate to girls ( sure... I have to buy him chocolate ) Donald ( assumed name) , a wooden and naive kid, unintentionally talked about his first dad in the jail , his second dad is very nice to him..... Blah. When hearing that, I taught him to be a good man and have shoulders to take responsibility .

At the last time , I bought chocolate to the whole class . The teacher ask the whole class to thank this " angel" .... I hurriedly said I am not angel , but a devil ! Donald suddenly said " thank for the language " ( reveal the fact that I taught him Taiwanese ) . The teacher even ask what I taught him . All I can do is to flee away without answering.

Joss , 多情種子!
Joss , such a romantic guy and playboy.

Donald , 很憨厚又天真的小孩,最愛在我說故事時,插說:there is one more thing .....
Donald , a wooden and naive kid , often interrupted me when telling story : there is one more thing...

班上的愛恨情仇,恩怨糾葛! 以上由Joss報料!
Love relationship of he whole class , reported by Joss.
Joss is holding the chocolate I bought for chasing after girls.

在老師不注意時,偷拍小朋友特寫! 這老師有點凶又嚴格⋯
Take a close-up pic when the teacher is distracted ,she is a bit strict....

Judging from Donald's face , you can know he is unwilling to bid a farewell to me .... ( can you ? )

收到感謝狀了!   但我看不懂小朋友的鬼畫符....
The school recognize my dedication !!  But , What are those kids drawing ?????

" Taiwanese for Dummy " is being on ....

